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We are thrilled that, as of 1 May 2020, the unfair 20% VAT on eBooks and digital newspapers, magazines and journals has been removed. Knowledge and learning are vital, whatever format you favour.


This move by the Government marks an end to illogically taxing people who need or prefer to read digital publications. Thank you so much to all the authors, organisations, Parliamentarians and members of the public who were instrumental in the campaign’s success.


It is, however, disappointing to see that the Reading Tax still applies to audiobooks, acting as a barrier to reading and learning for many people across the UK. This particularly impacts the 2 million people living with sight loss and up to 1 in every 10 people with some form of dyslexia in the UK.


To write to your MP to ask them to remove the Reading Tax on audiobooks too please click here.


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Axe the Reading Tax is led by the Publishers Association, who represent book, journal, audio and electronic publishers in the UK, spanning fiction and non-fiction, academic and education publishing.  

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Who is affected?

Readers with disabilities

Digital formats are vital for the blind and partially sighted, who can listen to audiobooks or read in the largest print sizes on electronic devices, for those with dyslexia and for elderly or disabled people who may lack the physical capabilities to handle print books easily.

The Publishers Association Limited is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales. Registration number: 3282879. Registered Office: 50 Southwark Street, London SE1 1UN.


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